by | Feb 12, 2014 | Margie's Musings
LOVE the hate out of your haters. Truth is, they’re just jealous and they need a revelation of God’s love, because love does not envy (1 Cor. 13:4). C’mon, admit it, we all know what it’s like to be jealous. But, when we experience His great love, we move beyond that,...
by | Jan 30, 2014 | Margie's Musings
Last night during our prayer service, I saw so clearly, as if looking through Christ’s eyes, the hearts of each one of us there; they were cracked, dented, pieces missing, and some broken. I knew we all represented everyone in the church and in the world. The Lord...
by | Jan 30, 2014 | Margie's Musings
The wiser you become, the less offended you get at things. And more specifically, wiser in the Word of God. It is baffling how easily offended some adults still get over things. And even more baffling when the adults are Christian leaders and pastors. AND extremely...
by | Nov 15, 2013 | Margie's Musings
Trying to be thankful for the numerous lessons in patience today! Man. Subway (the Walmart one) had one person working – and well, you can just imagine how long that took; after getting my supplies, the Walmart register locked up when I went to pay – and the girl said...
by | Nov 15, 2013 | Margie's Musings
Today, I’m thankful for security. Security in Christ. Security in who He called me to be. For years I worried about what others thought of me. I even wished I could be someone else. I’m so grateful, several years ago, while in a self-pity induced depression (wearing a...