by | Sep 13, 2013 | Margie's Musings
Even though it’s tempting, you just can’t treat people bad because they treat you bad. The temptation to do so is the enemy setting a trap. We must be aware of his devices and even more aware of the Lord’s love. It doesn’t mean we have to be “doormats” who just lay...
by | May 23, 2013 | Margie's Musings
I had someone get a little irritated at me a while back because I might not be able to make it to an event (have had that happen a few times). I try to explain our life a little bit when this happens, in the whole ministry terminology…like, “revival”, “meetings”,...
by | May 15, 2013 | Margie's Musings
While hanging laundry in my closet this morning, I sat down and cried. Hot, angry, hurt tears coursed down my cheeks. As I do quite often, I began a conversation with myself. “Why in the world are you crying?” “I shrank my shrug.” “Are you serious? Really? You’re...
by | Feb 10, 2013 | Margie's Musings
Pondering connections tonight… I believe there are three types of connections we make in life: casual connections, continual connections, and Kingdom connections. You quickly realize which one you’ve made in just a little while in a new relationship. Casual...
by | Nov 10, 2011 | Margie's Musings
Gazing into the mirror, with her chin tucked against her shoulder, smiling sweetly and ever so slightly swaying, Isabella Faith caught my attention; not so much because of her actions, but because of what she was saying to herself. “Heh-woah beauteeful.” My 2.5 year...