by | Jun 3, 2017 | FASHIONED, Margie's Musings, Uncategorized
REGISTER HERE It’s time to begin making plans for our annual Fashioned Ladies Conference!! Get your gal-friends together and make it a weekend you won’t soon forget, if ever. I encourage you to do whatever it takes to get in this conference. For all the details,...
by | Mar 29, 2017 | Margie's Musings
REGISTER HERE I want to encourage all of my sister-friends to come out and bring YOUR sister-friends to our last Fashioned On the Road this year! I’ve been leading Fashioned Ladies Conferences for many years now, and it’s always been a dream to take it on the road....
by | Mar 6, 2017 | Margie's Musings, Uncategorized
Are you a good leader? If you’re not a good follower, then the answer is no. You may think you are, you may fantasize about being a good leader, you may have had prophetic words that you’re going to be a good leader, you may indeed feel like a good leader, but if you...
by | Feb 17, 2017 | Margie's Musings
Dear lady who criticized me so inappropriately, unloving, spitefully, and unchristian-like, Thank you. You made me stronger. You grew grit in me. Forever Grateful, Margie Anyone who works in close collaboration with me knows I welcome constructive criticism. I’m not...