“It comes up to come out. Let truth prevail!” – Margie Nix


I can remember a time when freedom wasn’t part of my life (not like the fullness of today, anyway). It was a dream of mine to truly feel freedom from fear, freedom from self-limitations, freedom from fear of rejection, freedom from anxiety, freedom from taking...

Double Up

There’s a beautiful song of declaration found in Isaiah 26. I love it all, but I particularly love verse 3, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Peace is a beautiful thing, right? It’s...

My Encounter. My Story. 

Kneeling on a wooden floor in a bedroom as familiar to me as the back of my hand, at the foot of my Mom’s bed, I repeated a prayer. As Mom led me, that eight year old with pureness of heart meant every single word, with little hands clasped together and eyes...
Keep Heart!

Keep Heart!

I am super frustrated today. Can I just be transparent? Well, I WAS super frustrated, until the Lord whispered to my heart. When He does that, it’s both comforting and convicting. Comforting, because it calms me and speaks peace to my soul; convicting, because...

The Great Robbery

I am convinced the great robbery that takes place in most of our lives is…wait for it… Comparison. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” We can argue with that statement, we can ignore it, we can pretend it isn’t...


People will DIS your APPOINTMENT! dis – speak disrespectfully to or criticize. appointment – 1. an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place; 2. an act of appointing; assigning a job or position to someone. Establish, ordain, decree....