“It comes up to come out. Let truth prevail!” – Margie Nix

I am super frustrated today. Can I just be transparent? Well, I WAS super frustrated, until the Lord whispered to my heart. When He does that, it’s both comforting and convicting. Comforting, because it calms me and speaks peace to my soul; convicting, because it’s corrective and makes me ashamed of myself…I know better! I mean, honestly, Margie!

The Holy Spirit reminded me of this very foundational scripture:

Gal. 6:9, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Let’s stop and ask ourselves this question: What good are you doing? Not in a negative tone, but in a positive tone. The word “good” in this scripture literally means “good or valuable”. If we are doing what God’s called us to do, then we can be assured, it’s good and valuable. He always calls us to add value to others. Christ’s whole ministry is all about OTHERS. The Bible teaches that we are to be about others, not ourselves.

As my frustration level continued to rise, and the Lord spoke to me, I realized immediately how selfish I was being. I had to fruit inspect and look at the very first fruit of the Spirit: love. Was I responding in love to the situation? No. Was I thinking of the other person and how she felt? No. Was I more concerned about my schedule and my pace than hers? Yes. All of those were major red flags. Conviction was strong; repentance came quickly, followed by a sweet sense of peace and patience.

Then, I pondered the scripture the Lord spoke to me:  “…in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”  The very situation I was getting frustrated at is going to reap an incredible harvest one day, but I could cut that short and cause crop failure if I lose heart and stop. The easy thing to do is skip things, take short cuts, and allow tantrums and frustrations to cause me to be utterly exhausted and give up! I’ll go ahead and tell you,  I’m talking about homeschool with my six year old. When she gets lazy, as is the tendency of some children with schoolwork, when she gets negative, when she gets frustrated at herself – I cannot follow suit. She’s SIX, for goodness sakes! Truly, this is a good work. It’s certainly what God has called our family to. And, for sure, it will reap an amazing harvest. If, however, I allow my emotions to get in the way, if I allow myself to get tired and weary, if I lose heart in the journey, I will never see that harvest.

It’s the same with my health journey. Have there been some ups and downs along the way? Absolutely. Was I tempted to give up? Sure. But, I know God called me to become whole: spirit, mind, AND body. I know this is a calling from Him. That has anchored me, sustained me, and helped me keep a made up mind. I want to reap the harvest of a healthy lifestyle. It will have a ripple effect on those around me. Am I perfect? NO! Is it always easy? NO NO! Will I keep heart and not give up? YES YES YES!

It’s even more so with our spiritual journey. Whether you’re tempted to give up on yourself or others who just won’t listen and learn; KEEP HEART! Do not give up. Growth is sure to come. A harvest is sure to be reaped…the most wonderful and life-giving harvest of our lives!

So, what good are YOU doing?! What has God called you to do? Don’t get so frustrated with the frustrating times that you stop and give up. It might seem like the easy thing at the moment, but it will not reap a harvest in the end. Stay consistent. Don’t quit. Think about the harvest. KEEP HEART!