It’s amazing how the desire for something we deem valuable will give us the motivation and endurance we need to do whatever it takes to find it. All summer, my clothes had been piling up in my little walk-in closet, atop two baskets of winter clothes I had all intentions of storing since June! Oh, I had plenty of excuses for why: too busy to take the time to hang them properly, too rushed to fold them and put them neatly on their shelves… too this, too that. The truth is, a minute here and a minute there wouldn’t have cost me anything but a minute here and a minute there! Right? I’m an adult, I know this. I can be intellectually honest with myself. And, all those wasted minutes culminated to a fine mountain of a mess.
Our crazy summer schedule is still carrying on, with every day in August jam-packed. However, we DO get a vacation! So, we will come to a grinding halt (Lord, help us), to take a few days away at the coast with our daughter. There is one piece of clothing I always take with me… and, I haven’t been able to find it! Even after diving into the closet, hanging, folding, storing, and washing things, I still can’t find it. I will not give up! I have another day set aside to complete my QUEST!
“The object of a quest requires great exertion on the part of the hero, who must overcome many obstacles, typically including much travel.”
My quest example is silly. Especially compared to the true Quest Hero, Jesus Christ. He traveled from His royal place beside the Father, into a hideously fallen earth, to do what? To be reduced to a babe solely dependent upon His mother; to grow up facing all the temptations we would ever face, yet stayed pure; to bear on His back the stripes that would promise wholeness to all mankind, if only received; to bleed the most honorable, righteous, and holy blood that would ever be shed; to die and come alive again… For what? To pursue you and me. To conquer death and hell so that we wouldn’t have to experience it.
Upon the realization of His great love, there’s only one response… PURSUIT! Psalm 84:2 describes it beautifully, “My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
Our QUEST in life should be to pursue, seek after, find, and dwell in the place of our Lord. We must cry out to be present in His presence, to glory in His glory, to live in His life. He fulfilled His quest. It requires a response.
Are you ready to quest together? Fashioned18 is going to be a weekend of passionately pursuing God and His purpose for the next stages of our lives. Ladies, it’s time to answer His call. This is the Greatest Romance! Christ sought and fought for us. Let’s embrace His love and follow hard after Him. Where He leads, we will follow.
May our deepest desire be for the One we deem most valuable. It will give us the motivation and endurance we need to do whatever it takes to get in His presence.
And in His presence, we discover purpose.
I will see you at Fashioned18 – QUEST! Make it a weekend getaway with your gal-gang. We are honored to have Bishop Anne Gimenez with us one more year! You don’t want to miss this golden opportunity to be poured into by a woman who has faced and conquered more adversity than we’ll ever fully realize. A prophetess and master preacher, she is. You’ll catch something that will change your life!
Check out the website for all the details and to register:
My team and I CANNOT wait to meet you at The Lift Church in Sevierville, TN and welcome you into the QUEST of your life! It’s going to take courage. We will navigate some deep waters, and stretch our sails to some crazy winds, but what we find in the process will bring us to our purpose.