“It comes up to come out. Let truth prevail!” – Margie Nix

Bright lights, hundreds of people; dim lights, a couple dozen people; no lights, a handful of people….whatever your idea of being on stage is, STOP CHASING IT! One of the hardest things for a person called into public ministry to do, is to keep their focus on what it’s really all about, and it’s really not “what”, but “who”. WHO is this all about? This is for anyone who feels the call to be a teacher, preacher, singer, musician, associate, any kind of leader in any capacity in the church – are you content with where you are at in this moment?  If your answer is no, then you need to ask yourself why. I’m not talking about having dreams bigger than yourself, I’m talking about the motive of those dreams. “Chase your dreams” is a popular statement. I agree with it, if your dreams are God’s dreams for your life. I agree with it, if your dreams include blessing people along the way, not climbing over them and trampling them as you go.

Stop chasing the stage. Stop chasing the platform. Chase the heart of God, which is beating for PEOPLE. Then, the stage will come naturally. Some people spend their whole lives, they waste hours a day, never truly living in the moment, always chasing something they’ll never get because their hearts are in the wrong place. They meditate on being up front in front of people, they pine away for the platform so they can be center of attention, they want to be on an elevated stage so they can be looked up to… and, they do this so much so they can’t even hear how to get there one day. The man or woman of God who stands before them has paid the price, they’ve walked the journey, their hearts are for people, and they have a word for those who are sitting before them. But, those who are chasing a stage in their minds, they’ll never hear the deep truths. They will never catch the true vision of God for their lives because they’re too blinded by their own visions. In fact, they’ll begin to compare themselves to and despise those who stand before them and desire their position. What a dangerous place to be in! We must remember that it is God who elevates a man or woman, and He elevates them as He sees fit and as they respond properly.

Let me admonish you, don’t pursue greatness, pursue becoming greater. What does “greater” look like? It’s contentment – peace, freedom, and joy in the Holy Ghost. So, you and I must ask ourselves, am I content? Am I at peace or fidgety? Am I free or bound? Do I rejoice at all times, or just when I’m getting attention and feel like I’m being looked up to? It’s obvious which ones earn the “greater symbol”.

Many people consider great gain to be a stage or platform. 1 Timothy 6:6 says that great gain is the result of godliness + contentment. I have no doubt that most who will read this are godly people who live in godliness. Yet, some who read this have never known great gain. The missing element is contentment. I encourage you to do a personal Bible study on contentment and how to walk in it. I can guarantee you, it’s not found on a stage or in front of people with people looking up to you. In fact, that can be quite destructive if it wasn’t God’s hands that put you there.

I’ll leave you with this:

Greater is contentment not comparison. I love how I heard someone say it, “Comparing yourself to others is like reading Hamlet expecting Huck Finn! Just wouldn’t make sense.” So, stop comparing yourself to others, there’s no comparison.

Stop chasing the stage. Chase the heart of God, which is for people. Don’t pursue greatness, pursue becoming greater. Pursue becoming a better YOU at what God’s called you to at this very moment in your life.